Julio Anleu
Guatemala, Guatemala
Julio Anleu es un estratega apasionado con más 20 años de experiencia liderando empresas y acompañando empresas nacionales e internacionales para alcanzar resultados asombrosos, provocando el crecimiento de utilidades, profesionalizando a los equipos gerenciales e implementando la cultura de crecimiento e innovación del negocio. Es fundador de Management Group y Scalingsoft. Julio es Coach certificado Scaling Up y apasionado por la estrategia, la innovación y el crecimiento acelerado de empresas.
Julio Anleu is a passionate strategist with more than 20 years of experience leading companies and accompanying national and international companies to achieve amazing results, driving profit growth, professionalizing management teams and implementing a culture of business growth and innovation. He is founder of Management Group and Scalingsoft. Julio is a certified Scaling Up Coach and he is passionate about strategy, innovation and accelerated business growth.
Julio ha trabajado en empresas de Fortune 500, ya acompañado el crecimiento de empresas en Latino América y Estados Unidos, por lo que su experiencia le permite entender y ayudar a los dueños de empresas, CEOs y equipos gerenciales de alto nivel. Julio tiene la experiencia de haber provocado crecimientos realmente grandes y acelerados en diferentes industrias, ha hecho crecer a muchos equipos gerenciales, juntas directivas y los negocios desde su base.
Julio has worked in Fortune 500 companies, and he has accompanied the growth of companies in Latin America and the United States, so his experience allows him to understand and help business owners, CEOs and senior management teams. Julio has the experience of having triggered really big and accelerated growth in different industries, he has made many management teams to grow, boards of directors and businesses from the ground up.
Professional Highlights
Doctor en administración de empresas
Maestría en administración de empresas
Maestría en finanzas
Certificado como coach profesional
Certificado como coach de equipos
Certificado como coach Scaling Up
Ha sido CEO de varias organizaciones
Director en juntas directivas
Conferencista profesional
Doctor of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration
Master's degree in finance
Certified professional coach
Certified Team Coach Certified as a Scaling Up coach Former CEO of several organizations
Director on boards of directors
Professional speaker
Personal Highlights
Felizmente casado desde 2008
Orgulloso padre de una hermosa nena
Le encanta jugar tenis, golf, navegar y es habido lector
Happily married since 2008
Proud father of a beautiful baby girl
Loves tennis, golf, sailing and reading
Coaching Regions
Central America
US - Southeast
US - Southwest
Industry of Expertise
Banking/Real Estate
Coaching/Business Consulting
Computer/IT/Software Development
Customer Support
Food Services/Hospitality
Human Resources/Training/Dev.
“Eramos el jugador número tres en Guatemala, ahora somos el líder y empezamos a distribuir a 43 países en América desde Estados Unidos hasta Argentina, la escala que se ha generado y el crecimiento sostenible que llevamos ha sido increíble, que ni yo mismo como fundador lo puedo creer y estoy tremendamente agradecido.”
“We were the number three player in Guatemala, now we are the leader and we have begun to distribute to 43 countries in the Americas from the United States to Argentina, the scale that has been generated and the sustainable growth that we have achieved has been incredible, even I myself as the founder cannot believe it and I am tremendously grateful.”
Nicholas Dorion, Presidente |Grupo World Brands
“Hemos tenido muchos logros, han sido los mejores años de la empresa. Hemos alineado y transformado a nuestro equipo.”
“We have had many achievements; these have been the best years of the company. We have aligned and transformed our team.
David Barrios, CEO |HPC
“La experiencia con Scaling Up ha sido muy buena, nos tocó probarla en la pandemia y ha sido un éxito. Scaling Up no solo nos ha ayudado a nivel de equipo sino también personalmente.”
“The experience with Scaling Up has been very good, we had the opportunity to test it in the pandemic and it has been a success. Scaling Up has not only helped us as a team but also personally.”
Jonathan Nathusius, CEO |Cemaco