Core values.

Create ecstatic customers
Word-of-mouth drives decisions among mid-market firms. Therefore, it’s critical we receive high Net Promoter Scores (NPS) from clients and promptly identify and provide corrective measures if there are client concerns. What each of us does impacts the overall brand, which must be protected.

Honor intellectual creatives
It takes a village of gurus’ ideas/tools/techniques to support a client properly – none of us have all the answers. It’s important that we respect the individual and properly acknowledge the intellectual property of others we use in our work and not create derivative works without proper attribution.

Everyone is an entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs bring to the marketplace an abundance mentality. They operate from an internal locus of control, taking responsibility for their successes and failures. They are winners, not whiners. Successful entrepreneurs give first with no expectation of return – and create win-win situations.

Practice what we preach
More is caught than taught. Clients are watching to see if we implement the same habits we are coaching them to execute particularly setting priorities, gathering qualitative and quantitative data, and staying in a communication rhythm. We do what we say we’re going to do.