Robert Monson
Ten Fold Advisors
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Rob Monson founded Tenfold Advisors to share the principles he learned while growing an exceptional company. These principles of business acceleration, based on the Scaling Up and Rockefeller Habits framework espoused by mid-market growth expert Verne Harnish, went beyond helping Rob create rapid growth departments, divisions, and companies - they have created more focused leaders, happier employees, and drama-free execution.
Professional Highlights
• Led consumer marketing efforts for Golf Channel New Media, helping become the #1 online tee time booking engine.
• Developed and implemented marketing strategy for ZipDriven SaaS platform (dealership market share optimization software), helping generate over 600 users in only 14 months.
• As a marketing and recruiting partner for education institutions, oversaw the largest ever online degree program launch for a prestigious, traditional university that exceeded student enrollment goals by 360% and resulted in an extra $1,000,000 in top-line, first-year growth.
Personal Highlights
• Married to romantic comedy author, Becky Monson
• Father to three children: Audrey, Max, and Violet
• Hobbies: Football, basketball, snowboarding, reading, exercise, and family travel
Coaching Regions
US - West
Industry of Expertise
Banking/Real Estate
Computer/IT/Software Development
Customer Support
Food Services/Hospitality
Human Resources/Training/Development
“When we hired Rob Monson, we got so much more than just a coach. He immediately became a partner in our success. Rob helped us reorganize from the ground up, creating more clarity and accountability at every level. This has dramatically improved our culture, client experience and bottom line.”
— Tobi Roberts, CEO | City Creek Mortgage