Michele Barry
Assured Strategy
Boston, MA, United States
Michele brings 30 years of diverse experience, including over 13,000 hours of coaching as well as expert facilitation to C-level executives, leadership teams, Boards of Directors, and other leaders. She specializes in leadership development; executive coaching; and organizational culture and business strategy consulting. Using a facilitative, collaborative approach, Michele helps clients accelerate their learning, enabling them to adapt and thrive in the increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment of today. Michele brings cutting-edge neuroscience and adult development methods into her work to help leaders foster a culture of employee awareness and engagement in order to achieve their business goals.
Michele holds a B.A. in Chemistry and English from Williams College, an M.S. in Accounting from New York University, a joint M.A. in Literature and Women’s Studies from Brandeis University, an M.L.A.S. in Leadership, and Six Sigma certification. Michele is also a Certified Scaling Up Coach, a Certified Persuasion Professional with SalesBrain, and is certified in The Leadership Circle Profile, The Leadership Culture Survey, Agile Leadership, The Leadership System, The EQi 2.0, The Predictive Index, and the Culturewise approach to ensuring a high performing culture.
In her spare time, Michele is a competitive athlete, playing both soccer and ice hockey. She loves spending time with her family, which includes her wife, their adult children, and their two young grandsons. Michele also enjoys British crime dramas, reading, and jigsaw puzzles.
Professional Highlights
Assured Strategy Coach 2024-present: coach clients (CEOs, leadership teams, managers) using Scaling Up and other leadership development tools
Vistage Chair 2005-present: form and lead peer groups for CEOs, Key Executives, and leaders/managers at all levels as well as coach all CEO group members one-on-one; work with leaders in any industry and any type of company (C corp, S corp, LLC, publicly traded, privately held, NFP, family-owned, founder owner/operator, PE/VC/Angel investment backed) in any phase of the organization's life cycle from the start-up/highly entrepreneurial phase to the scale up to the large scale, from pre-revenue to billions of dollars in revenue (or in some cases, billions in assets under management)
M Barry Consulting, LLC 2005-present: work with clients using Scaling Up, focus on leadership development, leadership team effectiveness, and organizational culture
Personal Highlights
Family is extremely important--wife, son/daughter-in-law and 2 grandsons, twin daughters, dog. Highly competitive athlete in soccer and ice hockey Coached youth athletes as well as adult coaches of youth athletes and adult athletes.
Enjoy traveling, history, art, other cultures, reading, jigsaw puzzles, and crime dramas.
Coaching Regions
US - Northeast
US - Southeast
Industry of Expertise
Banking/Real Estate
Coaching/Business Consulting
Computer/IT/Software Development
Customer Support
Food Services/Hospitality
Human Resources/Training/
Legal Services